“A Light to Guide You”

One bright Sunday morning, Sophia walked hand in hand with her parents to church. She looked up at her mother, curious. “Mom, why are we going to church so early?”
Her mother, Grace, smiled warmly. “Today is a special day, Sophia. We’re bringing you for the blessing of a child, just like Mary and Joseph brought baby Jesus to the temple.” Sophia tilted her head. “Why did they do that?”
Her father, David, knelt beside her. “Because they wanted to thank God for Jesus and ask Him to guide their son’s life. We’re doing the same for you, to ask God to guide you as you grow.”
When they reached the church, sunlight streamed through the stained-glass windows, and Sophia’s eyes widened in awe. At the front, the pastor smiled and welcomed them.
“Today,” the pastor said, “we ask God to bless Sophia and her family, as they teach her about His love.”
Sophia nodded shyly. “Mom and Dad said we’re asking God to guide me, like He did for Jesus.”
“That’s right,” the pastor said. “Your parents are raising you in the faith, teaching you to pray, and showing you who God is. They’re helping you understand that Jesus is always with you, no matter what.”
David handed Sophia a small, unlit candle. “This candle is a reminder of Jesus, who is the light of the world. As you grow in faith, Sophia, God’s light will guide you and shine through you to others.”
The pastor lit the candle from the Christ candle, and Sophia watched its warm glow flicker in her hands. “Will I always have this light?” she asked softly. Her mother knelt beside her. “Yes, sweet girl, as long as you keep Jesus in your heart, His light will never go out.”
Walking home, Sophia carefully carried the candle, remembering its warmth. In her heart, she knew this light was something she wanted to carry forever. Her parents silently prayed that she would grow to be a light for others, shining brightly in the world.
And her parents silently prayed that she would grow to be a light for others, shining brightly in the world.