Catechesis: Grades 7 and 8

WE ENCOUNTER God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. 
__ Human beings were created in a state of original holiness. The loss of this state of original 
     holiness is due to original sin. 
__ Human beings are subject to ignorance, suffering, death and the inclination to sin due to original 
__ However, we believe God’s love and goodness will triumph over all evil and pain. w
__ God’s plan is for all people to be freed from the bondage of sin and evil through the life, death and 
     resurrection of his Son, Jesus. 
__ The Holy Spirit was sent by Jesus to be with the Apostles in the early Church and continues to be 
     with the Church today. 

WE ARE FORMED in one, holy, catholic and apostolic church. 
__ The Christian Church had its roots in Judaism. 
__ The Church is the sacrament of salvation. 
__ The Church originates in the Trinity; it was planned by the Father, founded by Jesus Christ and 
     empowered by the Holy Spirit. 
__ The Church both a human and divine institution; it is one, holy, catholic and apostolic. 
__ Churches that are in communion with Rome are part of the Roman Catholic Church. 
__ The Church has an obligation to dialogue with other churches and to strive for the unity of all 
     Christians; this effort is called “ecumenism.” 
__ The teaching office of the Catholic Church is called the Magisterium; the Magisterium consists of 
     the Pope and bishops, who guide God’s people in the truth.  
__ Catholics believe that some of the Church’s teachings are infallible (that means without error); 
     infallible teachings are limited to important matters of faith and morals that are specifically declared 
     to be infallible by the Pope and the bishops in union with the Pope. 

WE LIVE as disciples of Christ helping to build the kingdom of God. 
__ Stewardship means using our time, talent and treasure in just and charitable ways to help the 
     common good. 
__ The parish and universal Church are partners in stewardship. 
__ The family is called the domestic church or the church in the home; parents have the first 
     responsibility to teach their children about the Catholic faith. 
__ The good that we do here on earth leads to the Kingdom of God, but the Kingdom will only be 
     complete in heaven. 
__ In the seven sacraments Catholics celebrate we participate in God’s love and grace. 
__ Charity is the greatest virtue; charity calls us to love God and other people. 
__ The precepts or laws of the Church help us to know and to fulfill our responsibilities and 
     obligations as members of the Catholic Church. 
__ Performing the Corporal and Spiritual Works of Mercy are important ways we can live as disciples 
     of Jesus Christ.   
__ Contemplative prayer is a silent attentiveness and love of God. 
__ The Liturgy of the Hours is the daily public prayer of the Church; this prayer gives praise to God; it 
     is an extension of the celebration of the Eucharist. 
__ Novenas and pilgrimages are prayerful devotions in which we pray to God through the intercession 
     of Mary and the saints. 
__ Sexual attraction and sexual feelings are normal and natural, but we need to use wisdom, self- 
     control and God’s grace to use them well.  
__ Catholics believe that sexual intercourse has meaning and purpose only within a marriage 
__ Christians should not stereotype or discriminate against individuals or groups; such behavior 
     devalues a person’s God-given dignity. 
__ It is important to think about what it means to be a part of salvation history and a member of the 
     Catholic Church. 
__ Some ways to deepen one’s relationship with God include spontaneous prayer, we have learned 
     from our families, and formal prayers or devotions we have learned from the Church.   
__ We should learn and pray: the Prayer of St. Francis, the Magnificat, Psalm 23 (the Good 
     Shepherd) and the Confiteor 
__ We should know and avoid: the Seven Capital Sins 
__ We should learn and understand: the Four Last Things.