Catechesis: Pre-K and Kindergarten
WE ENCOUNTER God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
- The Bible is God’s special book.
- God is the Creator who is like a loving parent.
- God made each person special and unique.
- God loves us even when we make mistakes.
- Jesus is a friend and teacher; he shows us what God is like and how much God loves us.
WE ARE FORMED in one, holy, catholic and apostolic church.
- We call Jesus, Mary, and Joseph the Holy Family.
- Mary is the Mother of Jesus.
- The Church is God’s family.
- The Church Year celebrates the life of Jesus. It also includes special days to honor Mary and other holy people.
WE LIVE as disciples of Christ helping to build the Kingdom of God.
- Animals and plants are part of God’s creation, we should care for them and not hurt them.
- We learn about God and God’s creation from our own families.
- Our bodies help us experience and appreciate God’s wonderful creation.
- We should respect and love all God’s people.
- There is a difference between right and wrong; we should try not to do things that are wrong.
- Prayer is a special way we talk to God.
- Playing, singing, working, and quiet time can be part of our prayer.
- Being a boy or girl is a gift from God.
- We should take care of our body.
- It is good to think about the wonders of God’s creation.
- We can pray by using our own words or by using the following gestures and prayers: the Sign of the Cross, Grace Before Meals, Our Father/The Lord’s Prayer, Hail Mary.