Catechesis: Grades 2 – 4

WE ENCOUNTER God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

  • The Holy Trinity is God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit— three persons in one God. 
  • Some ways we express our belief in the Holy Trinity are the Sign of the Cross and the Apostles’ Creed. 
  • Jesus was fully human and fully divine. 
  • Jesus sent the Holy Spirit to help us make good decisions and to live the way Jesus did. 
  • The followers of Jesus received the Holy Spirit on Pentecost. 
  • The gifts of the Holy Spirit are wisdom, understanding, good judgment, courage, knowledge, piety and fear (or awe) of the Lord. 

WE ARE FORMED in one, holy, catholic and apostolic Church.

  • Catholics in the Americas honor Our Lady of Guadalupe as their special saint. 
  • The first Christians were followers of Jesus; they formed the earliest Christian communities—the Church. 
  • The Christian Church is one, holy, catholic and apostolic. 
  • Christians call Sunday The Lord’s Day.  We celebrate Jesus’ Resurrection every Sunday.  
  • Sunday is a holy day of obligation for Catholics.  According to Church law, Catholics must attend Mass on Saturday evening or Sunday. 
  • The Catholic Church has other holy days of obligation; Catholics are obliged by Church law to attend Mass on these days.  
  • The Church Year consists of the seasons of Advent, Christmas, Lent, Easter and Ordinary Time. It also includes special feast days in honor of Mary and the saints. 
  • The people of God are also called the Communion of Saints; this includes God’s people who are living and those who have died. 
  • The Pope is the Bishop of Rome and the pastor of the whole Catholic Church.  
  • A parish is a specific gathering place for Catholics; Catholics belong to a parish faith community where they worship, learn and practice their faith under the leadership of a priest (the “pastor”) appointed by the bishop.  
  • Families are called “the domestic church” or “the church in the home” because we first learn how to live our faith in our families. 

WE LIVE as disciples of Christ helping to build the Kingdom of God. 

  • Being a good steward means sharing one’s time, talents and treasures with the Church and with God’s people. 
  • Grace is God’s life; it is a participation in the life of the Holy Trinity.  
  • Sacraments are visible signs that celebrate God’s life. 
  • Everyone is called to serve God and others through Baptism. 
  • Married people are called by Marriage to serve God by raising a family. 
  • Single people are called to serve God and others by being single or joining a religious community. 
  • Bishops, priests and deacons are called and ordained to lead the church and serve God’s people by the Sacrament of Holy Orders.  
  • Jesus summarized the Ten Commandments with his Great Commandment: to love God and to love others as we love ourselves. 
  • There are different kinds of prayers; prayers of praise and blessing, petition, thanksgiving and sorrow (contrition).  
  • The Psalms are special prayers or songs written long ago. 
  • Boys and girls are equal partners in God’s plan for creation. 
  • Human beings grow and develop at different rates and in different ways; this is part of God’s plan. 
  • It is important to think about what it means to be a member of the Catholic Church. 
  • We should learn and pray: the Apostles Creed and the Rosary 
  • We should learn and follow: the Great Commandment and the Liturgical Year