Bobby Scott

Bobby Scott's Posts

Report #5. Practices for Forming Faith with Young Adults

Young adults have reached a life stage that calls for a lot of sorting. They have had twenty plus years of rules, roles, and responsibilities provided by parents, teachers, friends,… Read More

Report #4. Practices for Forming Faith with Adolescents

Adolescence is the age period of intense ideological hunger, deep search for meaning and purpose, and near constant yearning for relationships and connectedness. Adolescence is also the age period when… Read More

Report #3. Practices for Forming Faith with Children

If we accept the broadly affirmed theological premise that God is present in every human person, regardless of age and development, then we owe it to children to help them… Read More

Report #2. Practices for Forming Faith Intergenerationally

We have known for some time that a graded-level, schooling model of faith formation focused almost exclusively on children and youth, all by itself, fails to move the needle in… Read More

Report #1. Practices for Forming Faith with Families & Parents

We seek to respond to several key questions that surface when considering faith transmission for children and youth. When it comes to passing faith to the next generation, in our… Read More